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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——TESOL Quarterly《对外英语教学季刊》2019年论文集、即第53卷第1-4期共68篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,

TESOL Quarterly《对外英语教学季刊》2019年论文集-共68篇(侵删)




101ArticlesThe Effect of Content Retelling on Vocabulary Uptake From a TED Talk
102ArticlesMultimodality in the New Content Standards Era: Implications for English Learners
103ArticlesThe Effects of International Accents and Shared First Language on Listening Comprehension Tests
104ArticlesTo What Extent Does Long‐Term Foreign Language Education Help Improve Spoken Second Language Lexical Proficiency?
105ArticlesExemplary Reading Teachers’ Use of Instructional Scaffolds With Emergent Bilinguals: How Knowledge and Context Shape Their Choices
106ArticlesEnhancing EFL Learners’ Willingness to Communicate With Visualization and Goal‐Setting Activities
107ArticlesEAP Students Co‐constructing Alternative Narratives: Classroom Discursive Representations of Islam and Democracy
108ArticlesIdentifying Linguistic Markers of Collaboration in Second Language Peer Interaction: A Lexico-grammatical Approach
109ReportsThe Relationship between Social Support, Self‐Efficacy, and English Language Learning Achievement in Hong Kong
110ReportsThe Impact of Spanish on the English Lexical Processing of Dual‐Language Learners
111ReportsPredictive Effects of Writing Strategies for Self‐Regulated Learning on Secondary School Learners’ EFL Writing Proficiency
112Invited Research IssuesDo Language Learning Strategies Need to Be Self‐Directed? Disentangling Strategies From Self‐Regulated Learning
113Invited Teaching IssuesDeveloping Core Practices for EFL/ESL Teaching: A Framework for Methodology Course Design
114ReviewsPolicy and Politics in Global Primary English , Enever, Janet. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2018. Pp. ix + 196.
115ReviewsNative and Non‐Native English Speaking Teachers in China: Perceptions and Practices , Huang, Zheng. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press and Singapore: Springer, 2018. Pp. xv + 192.
116ReviewsVocabulary and English for Specific Purposes Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives. , Coxhead, Averil. London, England: Routledge, 2018. Pp. x + 199.
117ReviewsCreativity and Innovations in ELT Materials Development: Looking Beyond the Current Design , Bao, Dat (Ed.). Bristol, England: Multilingual Matters, 2018. Pp. xii + 237.
201ArticlesThe Error in Trial and Error: Exercises on Phrasal Verbs
202ArticlesThe Interplay Between Working Memory and Background Knowledge in L2 Reading Comprehension
203ArticlesChoosing Words to Teach: A Novel Method for Vocabulary Selection and Its Practical Application
204ArticlesOnline Media Creation and L2 Motivation: A Socially Situated Perspective
205Articles“She Needs to Be Shy!”: Gender, Culture, and Nonparticipation Among Saudi Arabian Female Students
206ArticlesShame in English language teaching: Desirable Pedagogical Possibilities for Kiribati in Neoliberal Times
207ArticlesNavigating Authoritative Discourses in a Multilingual Classroom: Conversations With Policy and Practice
208ArticlesThe Effects of Administration and Response Modes on Grade 1–2 Students’ Writing Performance
209ReportsClassroom Assessment Practices and Learning Motivation: A Case Study of Chinese EFL Students
210ReportsHow a Third‐Grade Reading Retention Law Will Affect ELLs in Michigan, and a Call for Research on Child ELL Reading Development
211ReportsEFL Teacher Development Facilitated by Lesson Study: A Chinese Perspective
212ReportsNative and Nonnative Teacher Candidate Perceptions of Professional Language Development in an MA TESOL Program
213Invited Research IssuesExploring Epistemological Expansions of English as a Lingua Franca
214Invited Teaching IssuesReconceptualizing Speaking, Listening, and Pronunciation: Glocalizing TESOL in the Contexts of World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca
215ReviewsLanguage Contact and the Future of English , MacKenzie, Ian. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2018. Pp. ix + 187.
216ReviewsThe Handbook of Advanced Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition , Malovrh, Paul A. and Benati, Alessandro G. (eds.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2018. Pp. xviii + 590.
217ReviewsCorpus Linguistics for English Teachers: New Tools, Online Resources, and Classroom Activities , Friginal, Eric. New York, NY: Routledge, 2018. Pp. xvi + 349.
218ReviewsTeaching English to Second Language Learners in Academic Contexts: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking , Newton, Jonathan M., Dana R. Ferris, Christine C. M. Goh, Grabe, William, Stoller, Fredricka L., and Vandergrift, Larry. New York, NY: Routledge, 2018. Pp. xvii + 286.
301ArticlesImmersive Versus Nonimmersive Approaches to TESOL: A Classroom‐Based Intervention Study
302ArticlesAccommodating Learners With Dyslexia in English Language Teaching in Sri Lanka: Teachers’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Challenges
303ArticlesPublishing During Doctoral Candidature From an Activity Theory Perspective: The Case of Four Chinese Nursing Doctoral Students
304ArticlesTransitioning From Master's Studies to the Classroom: From Theory to Practice
305ArticlesMobile Augmented Reality and Language‐Related Episodes
306ArticlesTranslanguaging in English‐Only Schools: From Pedagogy to Stance in the Disruption of Monolingual Policies and Practices
307ArticlesEmergent Leadership and Group Interaction in the Task‐Based Language Classroom
308ArticlesReconceptualising Authenticity in TESOL: A New Space for Diversity and Inclusion
309ForumsIntroduction: TESOL professionals and the struggle against xenophobia and White nationalism
310ForumsOn Issues of Discrimination and Xenophobia: What Can TESOL Practitioners Do to Support and Advocate for Refugee Students?
311ForumsHow Can English Language Educators Support and Work With Undocumented and DACA Students in Higher Education?
312ForumsDiscourses of White Nationalism and Xenophobia in the United States and Their Effect on TESOL Professionals in Mexico
313ReportsExploring the Relationship Between Language Aptitude, Vocabulary Size, and EFL Graduate Students’ L2 Writing Performance
314ReportsEnglish Writing Assignments and Students’ Self‐Perceived Writing Needs: A Survey of Undergraduates at a Chinese University
315Invited Research IssuesEvolving the TESOL Teaching–Research Nexus
316Invited Teaching IssuesPluralizing the Paraphrase: Reconsidering Meaning via a Typology of Linguistic Changes
317Invited Teaching IssuesDismantling the Ivory Tower in TESOL: A Renewed Call for Teaching‐Informed Research
318ReviewsEnglish Medium Instruction , Ernesto Macaro. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2018. Pp. ix+ 334.
401ArticlesHow Deeply Do Second Language Learners Process Written Corrective Feedback? Insights Gained From Think‐Alouds
402ArticlesExploring the Positioning of Teacher Expertise in TESOL‐Related Curriculum Standards
403ArticlesBeyond Good Teaching Practices: Language Teacher Leadership From the Learners’ Perspective
404ArticlesReconceptualizing “Home” and “School” Language: Taking a Critical Translingual Approach in the English Classroom
405ArticlesThe Effect of Imagery and On‐Screen Text on Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning From Audiovisual Input
406ArticlesHow to Behave and Why: Exploring Moral Values and Behavior in the ESOL Newcomer Classroom
407ArticlesConnections Between Reading Identities and Social Status in Early Childhood
408ArticlesNatural Pedagogy in Second Language Learning and Teaching
409Articles“More Like You”: Disrupting Native Speakerism Through a Multimodal Online Intercultural Exchange
410ReportsExploring the Dynamic Nature of Second Language Listeners’ Perceived Fluency: A Mixed‐Methods Approach
411ReportsFrom Novice Storytellers to Persuasive Arguers: Learner Use of Evidence in Oral Argumentation
412Invited Teaching IssuesToward an Embodied Systemic Functional Linguistics Pedagogy
413Invited Teaching IssuesCritically Examining Practice‐Based Teacher Education for Teachers of Language Minoritized Youth
414ReviewsRaciolinguistics: How Language Shapes Our Ideas About Race
415ReviewsTeaching and Researching ELLs’ Disciplinary Literacies: Systemic Functional Linguistics in Action in the Context of U.S. School Reform , Meg Gebhard. New York, NY: Routledge, 2019. Pp. xvi + 281.
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