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以下文章来源于 宏观语言学

语言学(Linguistics)是对语言进行科学研究的学科,它不仅研究一个社区的一种语言,而是研究整个人类的语言。微观语言学 Microlinguistics
语音学 Phonetics
音系学/音位学 Phonology
形态学 Morphology
句法学 Syntax
语义学 Semantics
语用学 Pragmatics
宏观语言学 Macrolinguistics
心理语言学 Psycholinguistics
社会语言学 Sociolinguistics

微观语言学 Microlinguistics
1. 语音学 Phonetics: 研究语音的特点。主要包括三个研究范畴:The general study of the characteristics of speech sounds is called phonetics, which includes: 发音语音学 Articulatory Phonetics,声学语音学 Acoustic /ə'kuːstɪk/ Phonetics, 听觉语音学 Auditory Phonetics.
2. 音系学/音位学 Phonology : 主要描述语音系统和模式,但音位学不是研究发音的物理特征和过程,而是研究语音的抽象特征或心理特征,研究支配语音分布和排列的规则以及音节的形式。Phonology is essentially the description of the systems and patterns of speech sounds in a language. It is concerned with the abstract or mental aspect of the sounds in language rather than with the actual physical articulation of speech sounds.
3. 形态学 Morphology: 研究语素(意义的最小单位 )、词素变体和构词过程。In many languages, what appear to be single forms actually turn out to contain a large number of “word-like” elements, the way of investigating linguistic forms of language of using this notion of “elements” rather than depending on identifying “words” is known as morphology. What we have been describing as “elements” in the form of a linguistic message are more technically known as morphemes.
4. 句法学 Syntax: 研究在语言中单词组合成句子的规则,简单来说,就是研究句子的组成。Syntax of a language concentrate on the structure and ordering of components within a sentence.
5. 语义学 Semantics: 研究词、短语和句子的意义,以及意义如何在语言中被编码。Linguistic semantics deals with the conventional meaning conveyed by the use of words and sentences of a language.
6. 语用学 Pragmatics: 研究说话人试图表达的意思,包括隐含的意义,也研究人们组织未直接表达的暗含意图的方式,即语境中的意义。The study of “intended speaker meaning” is called pragmatics.

宏观语言学 Macrolinguistics
1. 心理语言学 Psycholinguistics: 研究语言与心理的相互关系。如话语的处理和产生、语言的习得等。
2. 社会语言学 Sociolinguistics: 研究语言变体的特征、语言变体的功能特征、讲话者的特点、以及这三者如何在言语社团中持续相互作用和变化。