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摘要:古希腊学者基于逻辑命题和形态变化将句子分为名物词(ōnoma)和动作词(rhēma)两部分。5世纪初,罗马学者马提阿努斯提出谓语(declarativa)和主语(subjectiva),影响了9 世纪的加洛林学者。8世纪下半叶,阿拉伯学者西巴维希将名词句析为话题(mubtada')和谓语(habar),将动词句析为施事(fa'il)和动词(fi'l)。12~13世纪思辨语法的术语是“主语”(suppositum)和“谓语”(appositum)。1857年,英国艾约瑟首次把汉语句子析为主(subject)-宾(predicate)。基于主-谓框架的句子成分分析法,成熟于19世纪中期的教学语法。1848年,美国格林提出英语句子成分分析法,包括主语、谓语、定语、宾语、状语。1863年,英国苏谋斯确立了汉语句子成分分析法,包括主语、谓语、定语、宾语及副词表达式、补充表达式。此后马建忠(1898~1900)立“起词-语词”,严复(1904)论“句主-谓语”,章士钊(1907)析出“主格-宾辞”及各自附加成分。最终黎锦熙(1924)定为:主语、述语、宾语、补足语、形容性的附加语、副词性的附加语。






It may be said that in the mediaeval speculative grammars there appeared for the first time in Europe since the Stoics…, a definite and explicit theory of sentence structure. It is also to be noticed that in western linguistics for the first time specifically syntactic sentence components such as suppositum and appositum were identified at a separate level from the morphological case forms through which the classical grammarians had treated syntax .(Robins 2001: 95)



主语概念最早出现在中世纪的欧洲(罗宾斯1997)。9世纪时,加洛林王朝(Carolingian) 学者Martianus 提出,句子可分为persona 和res 两部分,并把它们和判断(也就是前文所说的命题)的逻辑结构中的主词和谓词的区分联系起来( Luhtala 1993 : 173 )。(宋文辉2018:36)

对我而言,此为新知,旋即请教文辉教授:Martianus提出persona和rés(拉丁文应如此)两部分,是否有出处或详细资料。文辉教授友情传书:薇薇安·劳(Vivien Law)主编的《中世纪早期语言思想史》(1993)、曼弗雷德·卡里夫卡和雷纳特·慕森(Manfred Krifka & Renate Musan)主编的《信息结构的表达》(2012)。遗憾的是,两本书中的相关论述之处,皆未见引用马提阿努斯的原文,难免令人生疑。


Around the same time Martianus Capella (fifth century A.D.) wrote an account of the seven arts in the form of an allegory of the marriage of Mercury and Philologia, at which the seven bridesmaids were Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Geometry, Arithmetic, Astronomy, and Music. Capella's style has been found tedious, but the book became a standard school text. (Robins 2001: 82)

约在同一时期,马提阿努斯·卡佩拉(A.D. 5 世纪)以寓言形式撰写了一个关于七艺的故事:墨丘利和菲洛洛吉雅的婚礼,其七位伴娘就是语法、逻辑、修辞、几何、算术、天文和音乐。卡佩拉的文风冗长乏味,但该书成为学校的标准教材。


首先查清,马提阿努斯·卡佩拉(Martianus Capella,约360-约428)是西罗马帝国阿非利加行省的迦太基学者,拉丁语散文作家。接下来,开始寻找其《语文学与墨丘利的婚礼》(De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii)。由此追溯句子二分和主-谓分析法的由来,并基于19世纪英国汉语文法学家的原著查考主-谓分析法(及句子成分分析法)用于汉语句子分析的历程。我主张言必有据,信而有徵,有些引文也许冗长,但这些早期资料难以见到。 



西元前5世纪,在演讲和论辩活动中,古希腊哲人提出了一些语言范畴。智者学派的普罗塔哥拉斯(Protagoras,约前481-前411)将句子区分为请求、提问、回答和命令等四种功能类型,并且区分了动词的时态、归纳了名词的性范畴。另一智者阿基达玛斯(Archidamas,约前5世纪后半叶)则将句子分为肯定、否定、疑问和陈述四类。早期智者关注的是话语功能,稍后哲人才关注句子内部结构。据说,德谟克里特(Dimókritos, 约前460-前370)从逻辑原理出发,首先区分出相当于后来所说的“主词”和“谓词”。(徐志民1990:18)

有著作流传至今的古希腊哲人,柏拉图(Pláton, 前427-前347)在《克拉底洛篇》(Cratylus)和《智者篇》(Sophist)中明确将句子内部区分为“名物性成分”(ōnoma,本义“名称”)和“动作性成分”(rhēma,本义“话语、段落”)。(徐志民1990:18-19;姚小平2011:27)柏拉图在《智者篇》中写道:


此后,其学生亚里士多德(Aristotle, 前384-前322)在《论诗》(PoietikeTekhne)中提出:






亚里士多德把言辞分为名词性成分、动词性成分和连接成分(sýndesmos)。亚里士多德在《论题篇》(Τοπικά)提出“四谓词理论”,即谓词对主词的表述包括:定义关系、属性关系、特性关系和偶性关系。谓词是命题的一部分,可以用来述说一个思想对象。同时从逻辑角度提出陈述句是句子的基本类型。亚里士多德还采用了“主词”(hypokeimenon)和“谓词”(katigoria)这对术语。前者的本义是在背后或底部的东西,在判断中作为主体、主词,一般译为载体和基质。后者的本义是法庭用语“指控”。亚里士多德借用该词表示“断定某一事物的某种情况”(范畴),并用作谓词。实际上,亚里士多德对主词和谓词的描述基于这样的概念——根据范畴,谓词说的是与主词有关的一些内容;而主词在语法上由它的格定义。(Krifka & Musan 2012 : 26) 

此外,雅典哲学家德米特里乌斯(Demetrius Phalereus, 约前350-约前280)在《论风格》(Perí ermineías)中也有句子二分的说法。德米特里乌斯所谓的主词,其字面意是“关于那个”,而谓词的含义是“那个是什么”。(Krifka & Musan 2012 : 26)

亚历山大里亚学派特拉克斯(Dionysius Thrax, 前170-前90)的《语法技艺》(Téchnē Grámmatiké)重在词类分析(形态类比),认为语法描写的基本单位是句子(lógos)和词(léxis),未涉句法结构。(Robins 2001: 40)罗马帝国希腊语法学家狄斯科鲁斯(Apollonius Dyscolus, 80-160)在《论句法》(Peri Syntakseos)中认为,句子的主要部分是名词部分和动词部分。句法研究描写这两部分的关系以及其他部分与这两部分的关系。(刘润清1995: 15)

汤姆逊(Vilhelm Thomsen, 1842-1927)曾引用罗马学者昆体良(Marcus Fabius Quintilianus, 约35-约100)对古希腊学者句子分析的看法:

Jf. Quintilian 1,4,18, om antallet af taledele: Veteres enim, quorum fuerunt Aristoteles quoque atque Theodectes, verba modo et nomina et convinctiones tradiderunt; videlicet quod in verbis vim sermonis, in nominibus materiam (quia alterum est quod loquimur, alterum de quo loquimur), in convinctionibus autem complexum eorum esse iudicaverurit. (Thomsen 1902: 11) 

见《昆体良文集》1, 4, 18, 论词类种数:就古人而言,他们中还有亚里士多德和狄奥迪克底,只提出动作词、名物词和连接词;话语的力量在于动作词,载体在于名物词(因为一个表示我们说的是什么,另一个表示我们说的是关于什么),并且确信,连接词把它们联系在一起。




通常认为,欧洲中世纪教育以“最后一位罗马哲学家”波依修斯(Manlius Boethius,480-524)提出的“七艺”为基础,其实此前已有人系统阐述。410~420 年之间,西罗马帝国马提阿努斯(Martianus Capella,全名Martianus Minneus Felix Capella,约360-约428)撰写了一部百科全书式的著作《语文学与墨丘利的婚礼》(De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii)。498~534年之间,修辞学家菲利克斯(Securus Melior Felix)加以理校。9 世纪中叶,在爱尔兰哲学家埃里金(Jean Scot Érigène,815-876)等人的影响下,加洛林学者争相传抄,至今仍留下传抄手稿240多份。1499 年,博迪亚努斯(F. Bodianus)在意大利维琴察(Vicence)首次印行。1599 年,格劳秀斯(Hugo Grotius, 1583-1645)在莱顿编辑再版。


该书第一卷讲述的是墨丘利准备结婚,先后想娶索菲亚(智慧女神)、曼蒂克(预言之神)、普绪克(引领人类灵魂的使者),最后阿波罗(太阳神)提议墨丘利与好学不倦的凡人“语文学”结婚。丘比特(爱神)同意这件婚事,但要求语文学必须提升到神的水平。第二卷讲述的是语文学从地球飞升众神等待的银河系,墨丘利为她提供七个伴娘。接下来的七卷(第三到第九卷)中,她们依次阐述语法、论辩、修辞、几何、算术、天文、音乐的内容。第三卷“语法”的内容反映了4~5世纪的语法知识,除了研究词源和词法,同时具有读写的要素和特性。在第四卷“论辩”中,马提阿努斯讨论了“何为谓语和何为主语”(Quid sit Declarative et quid Subjective)。

Nam sunt proloquii partes duae: quae in nomine una, subjective dicitur; quae in verbo altera, declarative; subjicitur enim quid sit, et declaratur quid de illo possit intelligi. Quum ergo dicimus: Cicero disputat, si accedat huic sententiae in Tusculano, declarative accessit; si accedat Romanus, subjective; item si accedat prudenter et copiose, declarative; item si dicitur cum Catone, declarative accessit. Quidquid igitur nominativo casui accedit, subjective accedit; quidquid declarative accedit, variis casibus et modis accedit. Nam subjective non possunt alii casus accedere; declarative non nisi varii excepto nominativo. Illud tamen sciendum est, posse fieri ut verbum sit in subjectiva, nomen in declarativa: sed ita verbum in subjectiva, ut aliquod pronomen secum vice nominis teneat; ita etiam nomen est in declarativa, ut teneat secum aliquod verbum, ex quo ejus vicem impleat. Velut si dicamus: qui disputat Cicero est , qui disputat, subjectiva est, Cicero est, declarativa; sed illam subjectivam pronomen facit, hanc declarativam verbum. (Martianus 1836: 364-365)


在西方语法学史上,马提阿努斯最早明确区分了句法上的主语和谓语。据马提阿努斯的其他重要著作,它们被称为 subiectivum和declarativum。马提阿努斯在传统术语中区分了命题的基本组成部分:主语说的是关于某事的内容,而谓语说的是针对主语的内容。(Luhtala 1993: 173)

在马提阿努斯之后100多年,东罗马帝国普里西安(Priscian, 512-560;在君士坦丁堡讲授拉丁文)在《语法原理》(Institutiones Grammaticae)中提出的句法理论深深植根于词类学说。在对词类的界定及其词序的讨论中,虽然句法问题占有突出地位,但是没有关于主语和谓语的说法。在普利西安的描述框架内,从句没有被析为由两个独立的部分组成;相反,其分析依赖于从句的关键要素的不可分割性、作为实体及其偶性表达的名词和动词。除了这些哲学概念,普利西安的句法描述主要依赖于及物性概念,他提供了以动词为中心的对从句形态和语义的描述,及其一两个名词性的参与者。(Luhtala 1993:172)

根据时序,这里要插入阿拉伯语的主-谓分析。8世纪,阿拉伯文法学家西巴维希(Sibawayhi, ?-796)撰写的阿拉伯语法教材《书》(Al-Kitabu),将名词句析为穆塔达(mubtada',可意译为“话题”)和哈巴(ẖabar,可意译为“谓语”)两部分;将动词句析为fa'il(施事)和fi'l(动词)两部分。两种句子的第一部分都称“被支持的”(musnad),即“被支持的句子部分,依赖于支持的构件”,第二部分都称“用于支持的”(musnad ‘ilayhi),即“靠在那个句子部分上的”。这些分析法在阿拉伯语法中一直发挥作用,尽管术语不尽相同。(Krifka & Musan 2012 : 26)

再回到9世纪的西欧, 寓居法国列日的爱尔兰学者塞杜利乌斯·斯科图斯(Sedulius Scottus,840-860),在评论罗马帝国语法学家多纳图斯(Aelius Donatus, 320–380;约353年定居罗马)的《文法技艺》(Ars Grammatica)时,可能基于马提阿努斯《婚礼》中的论述,采用“实体”(Substantia)这一概念以定义主语: 

Subiecta dicuntur sive corporum sive rerum, quae primam substantiam significant; de subiecto, quae de ipsa substantia dicuntur, in subiecto, quae in ipsa ita esse intelliguntur, ut sine ipsa esse non possunt. Verbi gratia Cicero est subiectum, id est prima substantia, non nomen, sed quod eo nomine significatur. Homo est animal rationale, mortale, quod est Cicero, de subiecto, id est secunda substantia, quae de ipsa prima dicitur. Rhetorica est in subiecto vel bene dicendi scientia, quarum neutrum est Cicero; in eo tarnen fuisse intelligitur, licet id ipse vocari non potuisset. (In Donatum maiorem 65, 29-39).( quoted in Luhtala 1993: 152)



《语文学与墨丘利的婚礼》是9 世纪加洛林学者最爱读的作品之一,他们在教学中采用马提阿努斯的句子分析法。约10世纪,圣加尔修道院的一篇语法论文《读书时应如何考虑这七种情况》(Quomodo VII circumstantie rerum in legendo ordinande sint),以七种修辞方式为出发点考察句型构造,确立了句子的各种可能成分,即:persona(人物)、rés(事情)、locus(地点)、causa(原因)、tempus(时间)、modus(方式)、materia(材料)或 facultas(资源)。这些情况通常以疑问形式 quis(谁)、quid(什么)、cur(为何)、quomodo(如何)、quando(何时)、ubi(何地)、quibus facultatibus(何种资源)出现。(Luhtala 1993: 172-173)

在法国哲学家赫里亚斯(Petrus Helias, 1100-1166)的《普利西安〈语法原理〉校正》(Summa super Priscianum, an updated textbook on Priscian's Institutiones grammaticæ)中,似乎已经出现用suppositiō(替代)表示陈述句中作为主语的名词和代词,用suppōnere(支持)表示作为谓语的动词。(Robins 2001: 96)12~13世纪的思辨语法,通常采用的术语是“主语”(suppositum,本义“替代”,指名词指称的事物)和“谓语”(appositum,本义“支持”,指用于支持名词指称的事物)。这两个术语跟逻辑学的主词(subiectum)谓词(praedicātum)有关,但又严格区分。(Robins 2001: 95) 

此后,17~18世纪最有影响力的语法学著作,法国阿尔诺(Antoine Arnauld, 1612-1694)和朗斯洛(Claudc Lancelot,1615-1965)合撰的《普遍唯理语法》(Grammaire générale et raisonnée,1660)却没有采用主-谓分析法。仿佛回到了普里西安的词法传统。





作为英国学者最早的汉语文法学著作,马礼逊(Robert Morrison, 1782-1834)的《通用汉言之法》(A Grammar of the Chinese Language, 1811)和马士曼(Joshua Marshman, 1768-1837)《中国言法》(Elements of Chinese Grammar, 1814)还没有涉及汉语句子成分分析。

1857年,英国汉语文法学家艾约瑟(Joseph Edkins, 1823-1905)出版《中国官话文法》(A Grammar of the Chinese Colloquial Language, Commonly Called Mandarin Dialect),专设第三卷“句法”(Syntax),首先把汉语句子分成单句、从句及并列句。其中,单句或简单命题(simple propositions, p. 223-232)分析为主语和宾语(艾约瑟把英语的Predicate写成汉字“宾”)两部分;从句(subordinate sentences,p. 232—241)种类繁多:情状从句(Circumstantial Clauses)、宾语独立小句(The Object as a Separate Clause)、关系从句(Relative Clauses)、目的从句(Final Clauses)、说明从句(Explanatory Clauses)、比较从句(Comparing Clauses)、表相似从句(Clauses expressing Similarity)、条件从句(Conditional Clauses)和附加从句(Superadded Clauses);并列句(coordinate sentences,p. 241-247)包括:简单连接(Simple Connection)、连接词连接(Connective Particles)、带有转折连词的句子(Sentences with Disjunctive Particles)、推论句和转换句(Illative and Transition Sentences)。

“句法”的第六章(p. 223-233)内容是:论简单命题(On Simple Propositions)、主语的扩展(Extension of the Subject)、宾语(即谓)的扩展(Extension of the Predicate)、系词的扩展(Extension of the Copula)、指令和提问(Commands and Questions)。艾约瑟写道:

A proposition in its simplest form contains a subject (主 ’chu, host,) and predicate (宾 ’pin, guest). The subject precedes, 潮来. c‘hau lai, the tide comes; 天好, t‘ien ’hau, the weather is fair. The predicate is an adjective or verb, 长毛厉害. c‘hang mau li‘ hai‘, the long-haired men are formidable; 朋友回来.p‘eng ’yeu -hwei dai, my friend has returned. (Edkins 1857:223)



In very many sentences, the predicate is a transitive verb with an object, consisting of a single word or a group of co-ordinate words. Sometimes there is a double object, one direct and one indirect. (Edkins 1857:225)




1863年,英国汉语文法学家、伦敦国王学院教授苏谋斯(James Summers, 1828-1891)出版《中文手册:文法与读本》(A Handbook of the Chinese Language, Grammar and Chrestomathy,第一卷“中文文法”,第二卷“中文读本”。第一卷分为第一章“词法”(Etymology)、第二章“句法”(Syntax)。后者包括第一部分“简单结构”,第二部分“句子种类”。苏谋斯在“简单结构”(On simple constructions, p. 97-179)中有如下论述:

289. A noun before an adjective is either (1) the subject of a sentence of which the adjective is the predicate, or it is (2) construed as an adverb.(Summers 1863: 99)

289. 形容词前的名词,或者是(1)是句子的主语,形容词作谓语,或者是(2)把它解释为副词。

291. A noun before a verb is either (1) the subject of that verb, or (2) an adverbial expression of time, place, or manner, formed by the two words. (Summers 1863: 100) 

291. 动词前的名词,或者是(1)是该动词的主语,或者是(2)由这两个词构成表时间、地点或方式的副词表达式。

292. A noun after a verb is either (1) the object of that verb, or (2) an adverbial expression of time, place, or manner, formed by the two words. (Summers 1863: 100) 

292. 动词后的名词,或者是(1)该动词的宾语,或者是(2)由这两个词构成表时间、地点或方式的副词表达式。

293. When two adjectives come together they follow the same rule in several particulars as that in Art. 288 with respect to two nouns; viz. (1) the first is an attributive to the second, and qualifies or intensifies it; or (2) they express simply an enumeration of two qualities; or (3) they are in apposition, and form a compound adjective; or (4) they form an adverbial expression of time, place, manner, ordegree. (Summers 1863: 100-101)

293. 当两个形容词连用时,在细节上遵循与两个名词连用(Art. 288)的相同规则;即(1)第一个是第二个的定语,并限定或强化它;或(2)它们简单表达对两种性质的列举;或(3)它们是同位的,构成复合形容词;或(4)它们构成表时间、地点、方式或程度的副词表达式。

294. An adjective before a verb either (1) qualifies it as an adverb; (2) it is used as an abstract noun, and is then the subject to the verb ; or (3)they form an adverbial expression. (Summers 1863: 101)

294. 动词前的形容词,或者是(1)将其转用为副词;或者是(2)用作抽象名词,担任动词的主语;或者是(3)它们一起构成副词表达式。

295. An adjective after a verb follows a similar rule; either (1) it is used adverbially, or (2) as an abstract noun, and is then the object of the verb. (Summers 1863: 101) 

295. 动词后的形容词遵循类似的规则;或者(1)用作副词上的意义,或者(2)作为抽象名词,并且是动词的宾语。

296. When two verbs come together they are in composition or in contraction either (1) as a compound word, or (2) the second is the natural complement of the first, or (3) they are used as an adverbial or attributive expression. (Summers 1863: 101-102) 

296. 当两个动词连用时,它们在组合或紧缩,或者(1)作为复合词,或者(2)第二个是第一个的自然补充,或者(3)它们用作副词表达式或定语表达式。

312. The position marks the nominative case of the noun. Any word which stands before the verb may be the subject of that verb, unless it be inconsistent with the sense of the passage to construe it as such. In any other case it would be an adverbial expression, or as it were the accusative case placed absolutely, denoting the thing or part affected by the verb. (Summers 1863: 106) 

312. 名词的主格通过位置来标记。任何位于动词之前的名词都可以是该动词的主语,除非它与上下文的意义分析不一致。在其他情况下,名词也可以是副词表达式,或者就像绝对前置的宾格一样,表示受动词影响的事物或部分。

382. 2. A verb between two nouns belongs to the former as its subject, and to the latter as its object …; or the first noun being put for an adverbial expression of time or place, the verb stands with the subject understood in the present or past tense, according as the other conditions of the clause will allow. (Summers 1863: 128)

382. 2. 一个动词处于两个名词之间,前者作主语,后者作宾语……;或者第一个名词作为时间或地点的副词表达式,动词是现在或过去时,主语却心照不宣,根据从句的其他情况认定。

现再将苏谋斯“句子种类”(On sentences, p.180-190)的第一节引言(§. 1. Preliminary remarks, p. 180-183)摘译如下:

531. The first section of this chapter relates to the various forms and modifications of words and phrases, which enter into the composition of sentences, and these simple formations have been there designated simple constructions; but, beyond the occasional use of the terms sentence, subject, predicate, attribute, and object, nothing has been said of the form of Chinese sentences. And, before examples are given, it will be well to explain the meaning intended by the different terms which will be employed.


532. A sentence expresses by the words which it contains not merely a number of separate notions, but a thought, or an assertion, which is ascertained by the relations which those separate notions bear to each other; e. g. ‘ the wind blows cold to-day’ indicates a belief on the part of the speaker ; but the words of which this sentence is composed are only the materials with which the thought is expressed; and the same words in a different construction would mean a very different thing, e. g. (1) ' the son loves the father' is one thing, (2) 'the father loves the son' is another. Tá-fūng is a ‘great wind,’ but fūng-tá means ‘the wind is high.’ It is important to bear this in mind, for in the structure of sentences we have no more to do with the words themselves, whether simple or compound, but with the relations which exist between them. Relations which, in some languages indeed, are regulated by the inflections of the words themselves, but in Chinese, and in some other languages, they are shown by the relative position of the words and clauses.


533. Every sentence consists of two members only; (1) the subject, or that thing about which something is said or predicated, and (2) the predicate, or that action or attribute which is asserted of the subject. These are indeed sometimes united by a small word, called the copula, which is one of the substantive verbs; but more frequently this is wanting: the principal verb, which contains the predicate, being sufficient of itself to show its relation to the subject. And in Chinese very often the copula is omitted ; e. g. t‘iēn làng ‘the weather is cold’; ngò pŭ-haù ‘I am unwell.’

533. 每个句子仅由两个成分组成:(1)主语,或者是被说明或判断的那个事物,(2)谓语,或者是对主语动作或特性的断言。这些成分确实有时由一个叫做系词的小词(实体动词之一)联合起来。但更常见的是不出现,因为包含在谓语中的主要动词本身足以表明其与主语的关系。在汉语中,系词经常被省略;如:“天冷”(天气冷);“我不好”(我不舒服/我有病)。

534. There are, moreover, three relations which may exist in the sentence. First, the predicative relation,— or the relation of subject and predicate simply; secondly, the attributive relation,—or the relation of some qualifying expression to the subject or object of the predicate; and thirdly, the objective relation,—or the relation of the object (or supplemental expression) to the predicate. These terms are used to distinguish clauses in sentences. Thus a clause which contains subject and predicate simply, is a predicative clause, and in this the verb is the principal word. An attribute appended to a subject forms an attributive clause, and in this the adjective or attribute is the chief word. A clause added as an object to the predicate is an objective clause, and in this the object is the principal word, and if it relate directly to the predicate, it is the chief word in the whole sentence. The predicative clause conveys a definite and independent thought, and so may stand alone; e. g. ‘ the rose is red.’ The attributive clause cannot stand alone, because it does not express a complete thought, but only one of the elements of the sentence; e. g. ‘the red rose,’ ‘the benighted traveller.’ And the objective clause too is incomplete when standing alone,—when the object is united to the predicate of a sentence ;—e. g. ‘black with smoke,’ ‘withered this morning.’ But these three elements of the sentence may be united to form a complete sentence; e. g. ‘the red rose withered this morning’.

此外,句子中可能存在三种关系。第一,谓语性关系——或仅仅是主语谓语关系;第二,定语性关系——或某种限定表达式与该谓语的主语宾语的关系;第三,宾语性关系——或宾语(或补充表达式)与该谓语的关系。这些术语用于区分句子中的小句。因此,一个仅包含主语和谓语的小句是一个谓语性小句,在这种情况下,动词是主要词。附加在主语上的定语形成一个定语性小句,在这种情况下,形容词或定语是主要词。一个小句作为宾语添加在谓语中是宾语性小句,在宾语性小句中宾语是首要词,如果宾语与谓语直接联系,则是整个句子的主要词。谓语性小句传达明确而完整的想法,因此可以独立存在。例如:“玫瑰是红色的。” 定语性小句不能单独存在,因为它不能表达完整的想法,而只是句子的一个要素。例如:“红玫瑰”、“天黑的旅行者”。宾语性小句单独存在时——即宾语与句子的谓语结合时,也是不完整的,例如:“使烟雾变黑”,“今早枯萎了”。但是句子的三个要素可以联合组成一个完整的句子,例如:“红玫瑰今早枯萎了”。

535. The attribute may be, (1) an adjective, (2) the genitive case of a noun, (3) a noun in apposition, or (4) a noun with a preposition; e. g. (1) ‘ a cold day;’ (2) ‘the king’s horse;’ (3) ‘William, the Conqueror;’ (4) ‘a man with out bravery ;’ and (5) a relative clause, which is explanatory, may be regarded as an attribute of its antecedent .

535. 定语可以是,(1)形容词,(2)名词的所有格,(3)同位名词,或(4)带介词的名词。例如:(1)“寒冷的一天”;(2)“国王的马”;(3)“征服者威廉”;(4)“一个失去勇气的人”;(5)说明性的关系小句,可视为其先行词的定语。

536. The object may be (1) the thing, or person, which the principal verb of the sentence affects, or (2) it may be the circumstances of time, place, manner or causality, which serve to modify the action of the verb.


537. The simple sentence consists of only one clause, in which there is a subject and a predicate, but these may be enlarged and modified to a great extent. The subject in Chinese may consist of one word or of many; e. g. Tí yü (1. a. 11) ‘ the Emperor said:’ fân tá-jȋn chī taú yiù sān ‘ the principles of great men generally are three’ (cf. Art. 541.)

简单句只有一个小句构成,其中有一个主语和一个谓语,但这些可以尽可能地扩展和修饰。汉语的主语可以由一个或多个词组成。例如:Tí yü“帝曰”(1. a. 11),fân tá-jȋn chī taú yiù sān“凡大人之道有三”(cf. Art. 541)。

538. But sentences in Chinese are seldom simple, they are most frequently complex or compound. A complex sentence is one in which there is a principal clause and one or more subordinate. The subordinate clause stands to the principal clause in one of the following relations, either (1) as its subject, (2) as an attribute of its subject or its object, or (3) as a modification of the whole principal clause. In each case respectively it is a noun sentence, an adjective sentence, or an adverbial sentence.


539. A noun sentence in English begins with such words as that, what, who, when or where; and in Chinese it is recognisable by certain marks and the presence of certain particles, as sò 所and chè者 and tĭ 的.

英语中的名词句以that、what、who、when或where 等词开头;在汉语中,它可以通过某些标记和某些助词的出场来识别,如:“所”、“者”和“的”。

540. An adjective sentence, which is also an attributive clause, or a relative sentence, is introduced in English by who, which, and words of that class, as that, how, wherein, whither, why, wherefore; and in Chinese it is distinguished by tĭ , but very often no particle is present.

形容词句,也是定语小句或关系句,在英语中是由who、which和此类词引导,如that, how, wherein, whither, why, wherefore。在汉语中,它以“的”为特征,但通常并不出现助词。

541. Adverbial sentences are such as specify the conditions of time, place, manner or causality. Adverbial sentences of time show (1) the point of time, (2) the duration of time, or (3) the repetition of the circumstance, and are introduced respectively by (1) when, (2) whilst, (3) as often as, &c. Adverbial sentences of place relate to (1) rest in, (2) motion to, or (3) motion from a place, and in English they are introduced by (1) where or wherever, (2) where or whither, and (3) whence. Adverbial sentences of manner show (1) similarity, (2) proportion, or (3) consequence, and are introduced by (1) as, (2) the comparative degree of the adjective, or as after a negative in the principal clause, or by (3) that, or so that. Adverbial sentences of cause show (1) a reason, (2) a condition, (3) a concession, or (4) a purpose, and in English they are dependent upon the words (1) because, (2) if or except, unless (which=if not), (3) although or however, and (4) that or in order that. The infinitive mood alone is in English frequently used to express a purpose, and it then constitutes a distinct clause.

副词句具体说明诸如时间、地点、方式原因等状况。时间副词句表示(1)时间点,(2)时间持续,或(3)情况重复,分别由(1)当什么时候,(2)在什么期间,(3)经常等引导。地点副词句包括(1)在某处, (2)到某处, 或(3)从某处,在英语中,它们由(1)where or wherever, (2)where or whithe, 和(3)whence等引导。方式副词句表示(1)相似、(2)程度或(3)结果,由(1)“”,(2)形容词的比较级,或由主句中否定后的“”引导, 或由(3)“”, 或者“所以”引导。原因副词句表示(1)原因、(2)条件、(3)让步或(4)目的,在英语中它们依赖于单词(1)because(因为),(2)if (如果),或except(除外)、unless(除非),(3)although(虽然)或however(然而),以及(4)that(那)或in order that(为了)。英语中的不定式经常单独用于表达目的,这时就构成一个特殊从句。

542. Compound sentences differ from complex sentences in that the clauses of which they consist are not mutually dependent, but are co-ordinate, and simply connected, with each other. This co-ordination may be considered as being under three relations. Thus when one clause is supplemental to the other, e. g. ‘the ladder fell and the monkey ran away,’ it may be called the copulative relation; when one clause is opposed to another, e. g. ‘John is clever, but he is not profound,’ it may be called the adversative relation; and when one clause contains the reason for the other, e. g. ‘his army was disorganised, hence his despair,’ it may be denominated the causative relation.


543. The copulative relation may exist in three degrees: (1) when equal stress is laid on both clauses,—each clause being distinct from the other; (2) when more stress lies on the second than on the first, as in clauses in English with not only,-but; (3) where the stress increases from clause to clause, as in the figure climax, each clause being introduced by some particle of sequence, first, then, next, finally, &c.

连结关系可能存在于三个等级:(1)两个小句同等重要,而彼此不同;(2)比第一个更强调第二个小句,如英语中的小句使用not only,-but(不仅……而且);(3)多个小句之间的强调递增,如修辞中的层递法,或者各个小句由一些表顺序的助词引导,如:首先、接着、然后、最后等。

544. The adversative relation may exist in two forms : (1) where the second clause negatives the first (in English by not,-but), or (2) when the second clause limits the first ; as, ' you may read it, only read it without stammering.'


545. The third, or causative relation in co-ordination, may have two divisions : (1) where the latter of two clauses expresses an effect, the former being the moral or physical cause, or (2) where the latter expresses a reason or motive, the former representing the result. This appears to be a simple inversion, which may be effected by the use of different particles of connection.


546. Compound sentences often suffer contraction by referring the same subject, the same predicate, and the same object to different co-ordinate clauses. Two or more subjects may go to one predicate; two or more predicates to one subject; two or more objects to one predicate; and several circumstances or limitations may be joined together in the same compound sentence, and may belong to the same word in that sentence.





1. 默里的《英语语法》 

1795 年,美国语法学家默里(Lindley Murray, 1745-1826)刊行《英语语法,适用于不同等级的学习者》(The English Grammar, Adapted to the Different Classes of Learners, 本文引用1848年版)。该书在英美学校广泛使用,成为19世纪初最有影响的英语语法著作。该书中出现“主语”的情况如下:

Here the verb or assertion is, by a pretty long circumstance, separated from the subject to which it refers. This might have been easily prevented, by placing the circumstance before the verb, thus: “For the English are naturally fanciful, and by that gloominess and melancholy of temper which are so frequent in our nation, are often disposed to many wild notions,” &c. ( Murray1848: 221) 


In the first place, During the course of the sentence, the scene should be changed as little as possible. We should not be hurried by sudden transitions from person to person, nor from subject to subject. There is commonly, in every sentence, some person or thing which is the governing word. This should be continued so, if possible, from the beginning to the end of it. (Murray 1848: 223)


默里所用的主语(subject)或主控词(governing word),与动词(verb)或断言(assertion)相对,没有出现谓语(predicate)这一术语。

2. 科贝特的《英语语法书信集》

1833年,英国学者科贝特(William Cobbett, 1763-1835)刊行《英语语法书信集》(A Grammar of the English Language: In a Series of Letters)。1783 年在步兵团服役期间自学英语语法;1817-1819年避难美国期间在长岛农场撰写《英语语法》。书中出现“主语”的情况如下:

After what has been said, …on the subject of the verb, there remains little to be added . The Adverbs, Prepositions, and Conjunctions, are all words which never vary their endings. Their uses have been sufficiently illustrated in the letters on the Syntax of Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs. ( Cobbett 1833: 138)



3. 福勒的《英语语法》

1850年,美国学者福勒(William Chauncey Fowler, 1793-1881)刊行《英语语法:英语的成分和形式》(English Grammar, The English Language in Its Elements and Forms, 本文引用1855年版)。福勒在“词类”(Classification of the Parts of Speech)中提出:

I. A word which can by itself, with all finite verbs, form the subject of a proposition, and with the verb to be can form the predicate of a proposition, is called a Noun or Substantive; as, “Man dies. ” In this simple proposition, man is the subject. “Stand up; I also am a man.” In this proposition, man is the predicate. 

1. 一个词可以单独与所有限定动词构成命题的主语,并且可以与动词“是”构成命题的谓语,这种词称为名词或实体词。如“人死了”,在这个简单命题中“人”是主语。再如“站起来;我也是男人”,在这个命题中“男人”是谓语。 

II. A word which can not by itself form the subject of a proposition, but which, with the verb to be, can form the predicate of a proposition, is called an Adjective; as, “ God is good; ” “Man is mortal.”  In the first proposition, good is the predicate; in the second proposition, mortal is the predicate.

2. 一个词不能单独构成命题的主语,但带上动词“是”可构成命题的谓语,这种词称为形容词。如“上帝是仁慈的”、“人是不能永生的”,第一个命题中“仁慈的”是谓语,第二个命题中“不能永生的”是谓语。

III. A word which can be used instead of a noun, as either the subject or the predicate of a proposition, is called a Pronoun; as, “The man is happy; he is benevolent.” Here he is used instead of man as the subject of the proposition. “I am he. ” Here he is used with the verb to be as the predicate of the proposition. (Fowler 1855: 238-239)

3.一个词可以用来代替名词,担任命题的主语或谓语,这种词称为代词。如“这个人是快乐的;他是乐善好施的” ,这里用“他”代替“人”担任命题的主语。“我就是他”,这里的“他”与动词“是”一起用作命题的谓语。

福勒1816 年毕业于耶鲁大学,毕业前已任纽黑文霍普金斯文法学校校长。1819 年任耶鲁大学教师。1827 年任米德尔伯里学院化学和自然史教授。1838 任马萨诸塞州阿默斯特学院修辞学教授。1843 年辞职。福勒是韦伯斯特(Noah Webster, 1758-1843)的女婿,1845 年编辑大学版《韦氏词典》。此后撰写《英语语法》。

福勒已采用主-谓结构分析英语句子。至于其他成分,福勒只是在“属性”意义上使用attribute,并未提升为“定语”。此外,福勒也没有“状语”这样的句法术语,但有讨论副词短语(Adverbial Phrases)的一节:

§367. The principal office of the adverb is to modify the meaning of adjectives and verbs, and its secondary office is to modify adverbs. The same offices are performed by certain phrases or combinations of words; as, “ He struck at random.” Here at random modifies the verb struck; “ This happened many days afterward. ” Here many days modifies the adverb afterward, and afterward modifies the verb " happened. ” These adverbial phrases, inasmuch as they perform the office of single words, might be thrown into the form of single words, as has been done in such words as heretofore, howsoever. By an adverbial phrase, then, is meant any combination of words which in a complex sentence may stand for an adverb. (Fowler 1855: 364)

§367. 副词的主要作用是修饰形容词和动词的意义,次要作用是修饰副词。相同的作用由某些短语或单词组合来执行。如“他随意攻击”,这里的“随意”修饰动词“攻击”;“这发生在很多天之后”,这里的“很多天”修饰副词“之后”,而“之后”修饰动词“发生”。这些副词短语,因为执行单个词的作用,可能会归入单个词的形式,就像已经在词语heretofore(迄今为止)、howsoever(无论如何)中所做的那样。因此,副词短语是指在复合句中可以代表副词的那些词语的组合。


§538. Subordinate Sentences stand in the place of a Substantive, or of an Adjective, or of an Adverb, and therefore must be regarded as Substantives, or Adjectives, or Adverbs, expanded into a sentence. Accordingly, there are three classes of Subordinate sentences, viz., Substantive sentences, Adjective sentences, and Adverbial sentences. (Fowler 1855: 634)

§538. 从属句可以代替实体词、形容词或副词,因此必须视为实体词、形容词或副词的扩展而成的句子。与之相应,存在三类从属句,即实体词句、形容词句和副词句。

在合成句(compound sentences)部分,福勒有进一步的例说:

In those compound sentences which are sometimes called complex, there is always a subordinate sentence.  (Fowler 1855: 641)


5. It is a law of nature that water should congeal by cold. The second sentence is a Substantive sentence.

5. 这是自然规律,水因寒冷而凝结。第二个句子是实体词句。

6. The man—who is prudent—looks to the future. The sentence who is prudent is an Adjective sentence. 

6. 谨慎的男人着眼于未来。句子“谁是谨慎的”是形容词句。

7. When he has finished his lesson—he goes out to play. The first is an Adverbial sentence relating to time.

7. 当他下课后—他出去玩。前者是与时间有关的副词句。

8. I can not tell—where they have laid him. The last is an Adverbial sentence relating to place. 

8. 我不知道—他们把他安排哪里了。后者是与地点有关的副词句。

9. He succeeds—as his father did before him. The last is an Adverbial sentence relating to manner.

9. 他成功了—正如他父亲在他之前做的。后者是与方式有关的副词句。

10. The stars appear small—because they are distant from us. The last is an Adverbial sentence relating to manner.

10. 星星看起来很小—因为它们离我们很远。后者是与方式有关的副词句。

苏谋斯的句子种类三分:简单句(simple sentence)、并列句(compound sentence)与复合句(complex sentence)。福勒仅二分:简单句(simple sentence)、合成句(compound sentence)。

A sentence is the expression of a thought in words. A declarative sentence is the same as a proposition. Sentences may consist either of one proposition, or of two or more propositions connected together. A sentence consisting of one proposition is called a Simple Sentence; as, “ I study my lesson.” A sentence consisting of two or more propositions is called a Compound Sentence; as, “Industry procures a competence, and frugality preserves it.” (Fowler 1855: 512)


有时,福勒称合成句为compound (complex) sentence:

6. Compose a compound (complex) sentence in which there shall be a subordinate Substantive sentence. 7. Compose a compound (complex) sentence in which there shall be an adjective sentence. 8. Compose a compound (complex) sentence in which there shall be an adverbial sentence. (Fowler 1855: 656)

6. 构成一个合成(复合)句,其中应有一个从属的实体句。7. 构成一个合成(复合)句,其中应有一个形容词句。8. 构成一个合成(复合)句,其中应有一个副词句。


这段写好后,我继续写其他文章,但脑海中时不时浮现——英语句子成分分析法一定先用于英语,然后才用于汉语,哪一本英语语法书最先展示完整的句子成分分析法呢?可书海茫茫,又何处寻觅?修改《西方语义学史》时,突然想起,美国第一位语义学家吉布斯(J. W. Gibbs, 1790-1861)的《语文学研究》(Philological Studies, 1857)中有一节讨论格林的命题分析(§ 12. Greene’ s Analysis of the Proposition, p. 46-47)。格林的书出版于19世纪中期,要找来看看,他是如何分析句子的。 

4. 格林的《英语结构论集》

1848年,美国波斯顿菲利普文法学院院长格林(Samuel S. Greene, 1810-1883)刊行《英语结构论集,或句子及其组成部分的分析和分类》(A Treatise on the Structure of the English Language; Or the Analysis and Classification of Sentences and Their Component Parts),其前言中写道:

The following treatise contains, as its title indicates, a system for analyzing sentences. In the preparation of the work, it has been the aim of the author, first, to determine the number and the nature of the elements which can enter into the structure of a sentence, and, secondly, to ascertain their various forms and conditions. Notwithstanding the almost infinite variety of sentences with which the language abounds, it is worthy of remark that the number of different elements in any sentence can never exceed five. It is equally remarkable that the offices which these elements perform are few and uniform, although they may as sume an endless variety of forms.( Greene 1848: 3)



As to the forms of the elements, it would seem, at firnt, a hopeless taek to attempt a classification of them; yet they are found to differ essentially from each other only in three respects. An element may be a word joined to another without a connective, or it may be a word joined by means of a preposition, —both together forming a phrase; or it may be a subordinate proposition, joined by a connective, and constituting a clauss. Any element may also be subject to three different states or conditions. It may be simple, that is, unmodified or uncompounded; it may be complex, that is, modified by another simple element; or it may be compound, that is, it may consist of two or more simple elements, which in no way modify each other. The same distinction prevails in entire sentences. A sentence containing but one proposition is simple; a sentence containing two propositions, one of which modifies the other, is complex; a sentence containing two propositions which in no way modify each other, is compound.




三、主语的变型(Modifications of the Subject):1. 主语的数;2. 主语的性;3. 主语的人称;4. 主语的格。

四、谓语的变型(Modifications of the Predicate):1. 谓语主格的变化;2. 谓语形容词的变化;3. 动词的变化(动词的数和人称;动词的语态;动词的时态)

五、定语成分(The Adjective Element):1. 形容词;2. 名词或代词。

六、宾语成分(The Objective Element):1. 单宾语;2. 双宾语。

七、状语成分(The Adverbial Element):1. 表地点副词;2. 表时间副词;3. 表原因或来源副词;4. 表方式副词;5. 副词的比较。

此外,格林还讨论了:感叹词和独立格;复杂成分(Complex Elements);复合成分(Compound Elements);同位语(Several Elements of the same Name)。




1867年,英国语言学家威妥玛(T. F. Wade, 1818-1895)出版《语言自迩集》(Yu-yen tzu-erh chi)。在书中介绍了句子纲目分析法。

19. —Is the distinction that we observe in Chinese essays 1 between the ku (pairs of sentences even in length) 2 and tuan (odd sentences)3 at all the same as the chü fa (laws of sentences) of which you have been speaking?

19. 我们在中文的文章(特别是现代科举考试必修的短文)中看到的“股”(字数相等的成对句子)和“段”(不成对的句子,注③:60个至120个字的单个段落)之间的区别,与你所说的句法(句子法则)完全相同吗?

20.—Not the same; in Chinese composition it is the chü fa, that is important, and it is to the relative proportions of sentences only that attention has to be paid: our theory is this, it is essential to the constitution of any sentence that it contain kang (a subject) and mu (a predicate).4 The person, thing, transaction, condition, spoken of, is the subject; the qualifications of the subject, as that it is right or wrong, existent or non-existent, active or passive, form its predicate. It is hence evident that that in which there are nothing but ssŭ tzŭ, without any huo tzŭ, cannot well be regarded as a sentence; if, for instance, we were merely to say “ man,” “rain,” “horse,” without adding a huo tzŭ to these three words, we should have the head of a sentence without the tail, neither more nor less; words so spoken could not be considered as being language with a meaning; and the same, it is self-evident,5 holds good of the exclusive employment in any case of huo tzŭ without ssŭ tzŭ. The sentences, The man is good, It rains, The horse is fast, are sentences because their intelligibility is complete.6

20. 不一样。在汉语作文中,句法很重要,只需要注意句子的相对比例:我们的理论是这样的,任何句子构成必不可少的是包含纲(a subject,主语)和目(a predicate,谓语)。4 主语所说的是人、事物、事务、情况;对主语的限定,比如正确或错误、存在或不存在、主动或被动,这些构成谓语。因此很明显,其中只有死字(静词或名词——译注),没有任何活字(动词或形容词——译注)的,无法满意地视为一个句子。例如,如果我们只是说“人”、“雨”、“马”,而没有在这三个词上加活字,我们有的只是没有尾部的句子头部;这样说出来的词语不能视为有意义的语言;同样,不言而喻,5在没有死字,单独使用活字的情况下仍然如此。以下这些句子,The man is good(这人很好)、It rains(落雨了)、The horse is fast(这马很快),因为其完整的可理解性才是句子。6


④ 主和谓:顾名思义,“纲”是网的拉绳;所谈的有关生活联系的主要想法、写作的主题。正如我们认为的,更有价值的;“目”,指的是眼睛;在细分或部分意义上使用。参见“账目”、“目录”。


Then as to subject and predicate, in the first of these sentences the word jên (man) is the subject, and the words which treat of his qualities are the predicate. In the second sentence, Rain is falling (Anglicè, It rains), yü (rain) is the subject, and the word that treats of its falling or not failing is the predicate. In the third, ma (horse) is the subject, and the words treating of the horse's rate of speed are the predicate. (Wade1886 vol. II: 484)



25. The Verb.—It will suffice for the moment to observe that in Chinese the Verb may be simple or compound—the compound verb being made up sometimes of the same verb reduplicated, sometimes of verbs of like or different meanings, sometimes of a verb and its object. (Wade1886 vol. II: 10)

25. 动词。目前观察到的足够了,汉语中的动词可以是简单的或复合的——复合动词有时是相同的动词重叠造成,有时是相同或不同含义的动词组成,有时是动词及其对象组成。

116.—The sentence, Parents bring up children, predicates of "parents" that they are the agents of an act. In Children are brought up by parents, "children" are the object of an act. (Wade1886 vol. II: 509)

116. 在“父母抚养孩子”这个句子中,谓语指向的“父母”是该行为的施事。在“孩子由父母抚养”中,“孩子”是该行为的对象。

Obs. 4. —Regarded: the same verb wei preceded by i, to use, here acting as the sign of the objective case of a noun, the object of wei, understood; q.d., of the direction specified, the side-facing man makes horizontal =he regards it as horizontal. Treat i wei as the verb to regard, remembering that the object may either precede the combination or come between its two parts. It is equally correct to say chê ko i wei shih hêng and i chê ko wei hêng. (Wade1886 vol. II: 211)

观察4. 被认为:同一个动词“为”前面加“以”,这里用“以”充当名词宾格的标志,而“为”的对象则心照不宣;说明,在确定的方位,旁边的人看到的是水平 = 他以为它是水平的。将“以为”视为英语动词to regard(认为),记住其对象可能位于组合之前或介于其两部分之间。说“这个以为是横”和“以这个为横”同样的正确。

1869年,美国传教士高第丕(Tarleton Perry Crawford, 1821-1902)和中国学者张儒珍(浙江镇海人, 1811-1888)合编的《文学书官话》(Mandarin Grammar)采用的也是纲目分析法,并进一步细化为“六读”。

读名 读可分六样,叫纲读、目读、余读、枢读、用目读、扣目读。合句分单句,单句分读。(第二十章·论句连读)

《文学书官话》在“第二十章·论句连读”将根本(名词主格)称之为“纲字”,以根本为中心构成的句子成分叫“纲读”;将靠托言(动字、静字)称之为“目字”,以靠托言为中心构成的句子成分叫“目读”。“余读”为时间性成分(相当于时间状语),“用目读”为工具性成分(相当于工具状语),“扣目读”为目的性成分 (相当于目的补语)。

纲读  根本(主格)为纲字,根本连跟随根本的话叫纲读。像:鸟会飞。“鸟”是纲字。我爱你。“我”是纲字。我的好朋友不能作这样不好的事。“我的好朋友”是纲读。

目读  靠托言(动字、静字)为目字,靠托言连跟随靠托言的话叫目读。像:像:鸟会飞。“会飞”是目字。我爱你。“爱你”是目读。我的好朋友不能作这样不好的事。“不能作这样不好的事”是目读。

余读 余的地步(其余格)里的名头(名词)连跟随的话叫余读。像:西国人一百年前头没有火轮船。,“一百年前头”是余读。我明天下乡去。“明天”是余读。

枢读  枢字(关联词)连跟随枢字的话叫枢读。像:世上人若是不悔改,终不能得救。“若是不悔改”是枢读。因为没有空,所以我不来。“因为没有空”是枢读。

用目读 用的地步(工具格)里的名头连跟随的话叫用目读。像:外国女人用铁裁房缝衣裳。“用铁裁房”是用目读。拿火头点灯罢。“拿火头”是用目读。

扣目读 扣着的靠托言连跟随的话叫扣目读。像:我的兄弟要上城去买一处房子。“买一处房子”是扣目读。你要来吃饭。“吃饭”是扣目读。

《文学书官话》“第三章·论名头”提出名头及替名(名词及代词)有六个地步(相当于“格”)。“地步”的字面意,即在句中所处地位。1. “行”的地步(施事格),表示动作行为的发出者。2. “有”的地步(领属格),表示事物或事物的领有者。3. “受”的地步(受事格),表示动作行为的承受者。4. “用”的地步(工具格),表示发出动作行为时凭借的工具或材料等。5. “得”的地步(受益格),表示施事行为中的受益对象。6. “余”的地步(其余格),是其余无职分的名头(如表时间、地点、呼语等)。《文学书官话》又把单句划分为三部分,“靠托言”(动词)之前的称“根本”(主格或主语),之后的称“尽头”(宾格或宾语)。所谓“根本”,即靠托言的依靠根本。所谓“尽头”,即靠托言的最后。例如:猫会捉老鼠。“猫”,行的地步,为“捉”的根本。“鼠”,受的地步,为“捉”的尽头。(第三章·论名头、第十章·论靠托言)



1869年,甲伯连孜(Georg von der Gabelentz, 1840-1893)在《关于比较语法的想法》( Ideen zu einer vergleichenden Syntax, S. 374-384)中引入心理主语(psychologisches Subjekt)和心理谓语(psychologisches Prädikat)的这对概念。该文第五部分写道:

Was bezweckt man nun, indem man zu einem Andern etwas spricht? Man will dadurch einen Gedanken in ihm erwecken. Ich glaube, hierzu gehört ein Doppeltes: erstens, daß man des Andern Ausmerksamkeit (sein Denken ) auf etwas hinleite, zweitens, daß man ihn über dieses Etwas das und das denken lasse; und ich nenne das, woran, worüber ich den Angeredeten denken lassen will, das psychologische Subject, das, was er darüber denken soll, das psychologische Prädicat. In der Folge wird es sich zeigen, wie verschieden ost diese Kategorieen von ihren grammatischen Seitenstücken sind.  ( Gabelentz 1869: 378-379)


1881年,甲伯连孜在《汉文经纬》(Chinesische Grammatik, mit Ausschluss des niederen Stils und der heutigen Umgangssprache)中对汉语的“心理主语”和“心理谓语”详加研究;1891年,在《语言学的任务、方法和迄今为止的成就》(Die Sprachwissenschaft, Ihre Aufgaben, Methoden und bisherigen Ergebnisse)再次讨论“心理主语”和“心理谓语”, 并对拉丁语、法语、德语、汉语的句子成分和语序特点进行对比。甲伯连孜的心理主语相当于“话题语”,心理谓语相当于“说明语”,此为汉语话题结构研究之滥觞。

1890~1894年,日本学者上田万年(1867-1937)赴德留学,深受甲柏连孜的影响。1909 年,胡以鲁(1888-1915)考入东京帝国大学博言科,从上田万年那里接受了甲柏连孜的理论。在其《国语学草创》(1913)中呼吁汉语语法研究“不必悬印度日尔曼语法之一格而强我以从也”(胡以鲁2014[1913]: 101)。强调汉语是“心心相传”,固无名学上规定范畴也,兹就心理上见地分类,将句子成分为题语、说语、表语、目语和属语。(胡以鲁2014[1913]: 64-65)










凡以言所为语之事物者,曰起词。起者,犹云句读之缘起也。……凡以言起词所有之动静者,曰语词。语者,所以言夫起辞也。语字之义虽泛,而一切可赅焉。……凡名代之字,后乎外动而为其行所及者,曰止词。(马建忠1983: 24-25)


凡名代诸字在句读中所序之位,曰次。……代诸字为句读之起词者,其所处位曰主次。……凡名代诸字为止词者,其所处位曰宾次。……凡数名连用而意有偏正者,则正意位后,谓之正次。……凡数名连用而意有偏正者,偏者居先,谓之偏次。(马建忠1983: 27)


凡名代诸字,所指同而先后并置者,则先者曰前次,后者曰同次。(马建忠1983: 102)




包孕句所与合沓句不同者,合沓一句之中有数句,每句有句主,有云谓,然义各自立,轻重差均; 包孕,一句之中,亦函数句,每句各有句主,有云谓,然义相隶属,常以小句注解正句中之名物,形容正句之云谓。

包孕句法者,句中有句主,有谓语; 而正者而外,别函子句,其中亦有句主、谓语。故论包孕句法,必须察子句中有几种。子句有三种:一曰实字子句,代实字用者(Substantive Clause);二曰区别子句(Adjective Clause);三曰疏状子句(Adverbial Clause)。(转引自孙良明2012)

严复所定句型三种:单简句(simple)、合沓句(compound)、包孕句(complex),与格林(1848)提出的简单句(simple)、复杂句(complex)、复合句(compound),以及苏谋斯(1863)所言简单句(simple sentence)、并列句(compound sentence)、复合句(complex sentence)术语相同。严复所定子句三种:实字子句(Substantive Clause)、区别子句(Adjective Clause)、疏状子句(Adverbial Clause),与福勒(1850)提出的实体词句(substantive sentence)、形容词句(adjective sentence)和副词句(adverbial sentence),以及苏谋斯(1863)所言名词句(noun sentence)、形容词句(adjective sentence)或副词句(adverbial sentence)术语相同。

20世纪初最流行的英语语法书,一是纳斯菲尔德(John Collinson Nesfield, 1836-1919)的《英文文法》(English Grammar Series, Book IV, 1891),一是里特(Alonzo Reed, 生卒未详)和凯洛格(Brainerd Kellogg, 1834-1920)合撰的《英语高级教程:英语文法和作文》(Higher lessons in English:A Work on English Grammar and Composition, 1880)。《英文文法》原为印度人学习英文而编,晚清传入。民国初年习英文者人手一册,通称《纳氏文法》。《纳氏文法》的析句四分法,先析出主语(subject)和谓语(predicate),再析出主语的附加语(adjuncts to the subject)和谓语的附加语(adjuncts to the predicate)。受其影响,1907年,章士钊(1881-1973)在《中等国文典》第一章《总略》中提出,汉语句子由主格(即主语)和宾辞(即谓语,艾约瑟把predicate译成汉语的“宾语”)两大主干构成。“所谓两大干部者,直名词与动词之作用而已。”又,主格和宾辞各有附加成份:凡附于名词者,合名词为主格;凡附于动词者,合动词为宾辞。


在1920年,出版了几部汉语语法书,对句子成分的分析如下:陈浚介《白话文文法纲要》(上海:商务印书馆)分为四部六种:第一句主,第二区别属词,第三谓语,第四疏状属词。谓语内可有受事和补足语。吴庚鑫《国语文典》(上海:泰华书馆)分为两部六种:主干部包括主格、表词,附属部包括主格附加语、表词附加语。表词中的他动词后带宾格;同动词后面附补足语。李直《语体文法》(上海:中华书局)分为两类六种:一是必要的,有主词、语词、止词和补足词;二是附加的,有形容附加词、副词附加词。王应伟《实用国语文法》(上海:商务印书馆)分为两类五种:主成分有主语和述语,副成分有宾语、形容词附加语、副词附加语。杨树达(1885-1956)《中国语法纲要》(上海:商务印书馆)提出两类六种:主语和叙述语是主要成分;在宾位的名词是句组织的宾语,受动词动作影响的叫动词的宾语,介词引导的叫介词的宾语,同动词后面的叫足语。(朱斌 2021)

最终是黎锦熙(1890-1978),参考《纳氏文法》和《英语高级教程》,1924年在《新著国语文法》中确定汉语句子成分三类六种:主要的成分是主语、述语(即谓语),连带的成分是宾语、补足语(主要即表语),附加的成分是形容性的附加语(也称定语)、副词性的附加语(也称状语,后附于述说词的也称补语)(黎锦熙 1992: 16-17)







① 该书有方环海、于海阔译注《汉语手册》(厦门大学出版社2013年)。译文风格与我所译有些区别。

② adverbial expression也可译为状语表达式,但中国汉语语法学家早期吸收这一术语时,皆译为“副词的……”,如:严复(1904)译为“副词句”,李直(1920)译为“副词附加词”,王应伟(1920)译为“副词附加词”,黎锦熙(1924)译为“副词性的附加语”等。我们翻译早期论著中,要依据历史语境,避免以今律古。



高第丕、张儒珍1869《文学书官话》(Chinese Grammar)[M],同治八年登州府。又,美国高第丕、清国张儒珍同著,日本金谷昭训点《大清文典》,明治十年(1877)新刻。









孙良明2012《谈汉语单复句学说“源”“流”的方枘圆凿关系长期存在》,《山东师范大学学报》第1 期,62-71页。





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